Friday, October 31, 2008

New Look for the Peacock

It's official, the proud history of the peacock network has been re-written. The new name is Obama Broadcasting Company. In case you were wondering, it's now been proven in independent studies that NBC News has presented 73% of their stories about John McCain, while the Obama number is at 13%. This is a sad day in the history of the media. While the peacock is the worst offender (especially in the cable division) ALL of the "MSM" have reported unfairly negative on McCain. The level of corruption at O-BC is transparent. You can bet that once this is over, there will be a SERIOUS investigation mounted by the RNC and others to get to the bottom of the matter. If you are in the media, try to remember that your job is to report OBJECTIVELY on the news, not inject your views into the news, thus creating the illusion that you are reporting the news while the fact is you are trying to create the news. A large company like GE can expect some serious backlash after this election season. They've given the Democrats a multi-billion dollar advertising machine and we won't stand for it. I know that I, along with others, will be putting immense pressure on the peacock to face an investigation and fines.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Where's the Outrage?!

In West Hollywierd, California a man has added a Sarah Palin effigy to his Halloween display. His excuse? "It's art!" Really? What do you think the media would be saying if that was an effigy of Barack Obama hanging in effigy, from a noose? Someone would be at the guys house in a black SUV hauling him off to Quantico for questioning. For some reason, the media doesn't see this as a hate crime, niether does the FBI in Los Angeles. It's amazing what you can get away with because your view is from the Democratic party. The left wing media and law enforcement in LA have whitewashed this as just a tasteless prank. I doubt we would hear the same thing if this were an effigy of the chosen one. The difference betweeen the two parties, it appears, is class. The right may try to get the truth out about Obama's relationships to Ayers and others, but at least there are no hanging effigies anywhere of the messiah. Now, I'm going to drink the kool-aid and see if it makes me like Obama. Maybe it'll just make me forget that he is another lying tax and spend socialist that will break our countries business climate and turn us into another welfare state. The Democrats are chomping at the bit to create the new "New Deal" like Robin Hood taking money from the evil hard working businessman that happens to make over $250k and giving it to the poor non-worker who just can't seem to make it off the couch to get a job and make something of himself. Thanks MSM for whitewashing every bad element of Barack Obama, while reporting nothing but negative on McCain and villifying Palin... thanks!

Monday, October 27, 2008

California's Prop 7

Never in the history of California politics has there been SUCH overwhelming support AGAINST a proposition, Democrats, Republicans and even the Sierra Club were out against it. I was doing a quick read-through and there was something that jumped out at me. There is a facility in Stanislaus County that produces about 22.5MW of power, that is then sold to PG&E, from the burning of solid waste (trash). Here is an actual line from Prop 7:

"A facility engaged in the combustion of municipal solid waste shall not be considered an eligible renewable energy resource unless it is located in Stanislaus County and was operational prior to September 26, 1996."

I went looking and found some resistance to a renewal of a license to burn said solid waste for a company called Covanta. There is an area called Crow's Landing that is in question. ALL of the major environmental groups are against this company getting a new license... It made me aware of how the parties all were able to come together. A quote from Greenaction shows why the environmentalists are against this license renewal: "Covanta self-described as “waste to energy” facility is a garbage incinerator in Crow's Landing burns about 800 tons per day of solid waste. The incinerator emits dangerous toxic chemicals and toxic metals into the air, including dioxin, one of the most toxic chemicals known to science." In this rare case, I agree with the greenies and everyone else. Vote NO on prop 7, then write to your representatives in the California Legislature and let them know that you will not vote for good policy that allows bad actors like Covanta to pollute and be excluded from regulations by being called an "eligible renewable energy resource".

Friday, October 24, 2008

Cee-lebrity!!! THAT'S how you get elected!

This is what it's come to in America. In order to be President, you had better damn well be popular. Your views and policies are nowhere near as important as your level of celebrity. Look at the tax plans of Obama and the Democrats. They know we are in the midst of a recession, that has all the ingredients to deepen. What do they want to do? You guessed it, raise taxes on all those evil rich people who make over $250,000.00 a year. Well let me tell ya son, your BOSS is one of those people most likely and if his taxes are raised to $0.65 of every $1.00 over $250k, they will be forced to FIRE some people. Think about it! Before you go off to vote for that popular Barack Obama, think about it before you put our country in the hands of Obama+Pelosi+ Reid. I write this because last night as I was falling asleep (sleep timer on) I was hearing Jay Leno's "Jaywalking All-Stars". Now these are just the least educated that he could find on the streets of LA, but EVERY one of the people he talked to on the street are complete idiots. These are the SAME people who are out in force to vote for Mr. Popularity. They have no idea what socialism is (then again, neiter does the main stream media obviously), they have no idea that many of them will lose their jobs because the boss can't afford to pay them and the extra large tax bill. I work for a small/medium sized business (less than 100 employees) and they DO make over $250,000.00 and pay all the bills. If Obama is elected and passes his tax idea, they will HAVE to fire people... that's the simple point. Please talk to as many people as you can about this, educate them about their jobs and what an Obama presidency will mean to that job. Educate... god knows our youth need it.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Negative MSM Strikes Again!

Report from AP:

October 23, 2008 - NEW YORK - John McCain may long for the days when Barack Obama got the lion's share of the media attention: Coverage of the Republican candidate has been overwhelmingly negative since the conventions ended, a study released Wednesday found.

The Project for Excellence in Journalism's report illustrates how the media echo chamber can send things spiraling out of control for a candidate. It's likely to give ammunition to people who say the press has been biased against McCain, but the organization said its findings on this were inconclusive.

"It's quite possible for there to be elements of enthusiasm for one candidate or another," said Tom Rosenstiel, director of the Washington-based think tank. "That's a failure of professionalism if it's there. But this report can't suss it out."

McCain and Obama have received an equal amount of media attention since the conventions. The project judged 57 percent of the stories about McCain as negative, with 14 percent positive. The rest were neutral.

Obama's coverage was mixed: 36 percent positive, 29 percent negative, 35 percent neutral, the study found.

"I guess it's inevitable, but it does reflect the relentless degree to which winning begets winning," Rosenstiel said. "The polls are so ubiquitous that it is difficult for them not to be the picture frame through which the press views everything."

McCain's poll numbers have been sinking. As a result, many of the stories about him are about why his poll numbers are sinking - and how whatever he says or does is an attempt to stop his poll numbers from sinking, he said.

The economic crisis, and McCain's response to it, also played poorly for him in the press. His attempt to deflect attention with attacks on Obama and his ties to 1960s radical William Ayers did even worse, the study found. During this time, news organizations also did critical fact-checks on some McCain ads, including one on Obama and sex education.

Changes in the media have also heightened the sense of piling on, Rosenstiel said. There are more polls to report on, hence more stories to say McCain is doing poorly in them. The 24-hour news networks are paying a great deal of attention to the campaign because it gets ratings, making for more repeating of stories done elsewhere, he said.

The cable networks have been showing off new iPhone-like technology that allows them to pull up maps of the country and data, and the electoral maps haven't been good for McCain. Financial cutbacks also mean less time for news organizations to do enterprise reporting, again making for more repetition.

Rosenstiel noted that Obama's coverage was negative during the week after the GOP convention, when the surging McCain had the Democrat on his heels and talking about lipstick and pigs. McCain's negative coverage closely tracks the tone of Democrat Al Gore's during the 2000 campaign, he said.

A similar thing happened during the latter stages of Hillary Clinton's campaign against Obama, said David Gregory, host of MSNBC's "Race to the White House."

"There's a lot of focus on the campaign that is in decline to explain why that is happening, and then it becomes in the eye of the beholder whether that is fair or unfair treatment," Gregory said. "The best we can do is challenge both sides substantively."

The McCain campaign did not immediately return messages seeking comment.

Sarah Palin has received three times the press attention as the Democratic vice presidential candidate, Joe Biden, the study found. Her stories were judged 39 percent negative, 33 percent mixed and 28 percent positive.

Palin's coverage started out positive but turned when reporters went to Alaska to check on her record as governor. The study found only 5 percent of the stories were about Palin's family, most of them in the days after it was revealed her daughter was pregnant.

The Project for Excellence in Journalism studied some 2,412 stories from 48 news outlets for its study, including newspapers, Web sites and broadcast and cable news. A smaller sample, 857 stories, was used to judge the tone of the coverage.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Polls don't matter? Or do they?

The main stream media has completely ignored the poll released today from AP that shows this race as a dead heat. Obama 44 McCain 43 with a 8+- margin of error. So Obama could be leading by 9 or trailing by 7, depending on who's looking. Why do they ignore this? Can't let anything tarnish the shine on the golden boy ,or they might not be able to make the self fulfilling prophecy of him as the next President actually happen. They are SO transparent in their ogling of Obama it's pitiful. It's been giong on since Clinton was running in the primaries. I don't really know why they have SO fallen in love with this guy, but not too long after the election, I see his true colors being shown and the MSM (read; leftis media elite) having to finally say something bad about the chosen one. I honestly hope that people can see through this and on November 4th, make the rational choice for President, John McCain.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The proof's in the picture...

So... Senator Barack Obama says he didn't have a relationship with Bill Ayers. He sure liked him enough to glow about his book for the Chicago Tribune when the book was released. Of course, his campaign says it's not a review, just a blurb. My question is, if you think this guy did reprehensible things when you were 8, why are you writing blurbs in the big Chicago paper glowing on his book. Sounds like something someone with some clout would do for a friend who has no real clout. Let's remember though, he's no friend of Bill Ayers... Really?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Spread the Wealth"

So... Let me get this straight... Barack Obama wants to "Spread the Wealth". Small businessman Joe Wurzelbacher asked the Illinois senator how his business would fair under his tax plan. He asked the Senator that since a business he wants to buy makes upwards of $260,000.00 a year would he be taxed more? "Do you believe in the American Dream" he asked the senator. Obama replied that although he doesn't want to punish Joe for being successful, there are people "behind" him that can use some help, so he just wants to "spread the wealth". That is an EXACT quote, not something the media made up, not just a gaffe, but Barack Obama's belief that in order for this country to succeed, we should "spread the wealth". One prominent leader has used this term in the past, his name was Joeseph Stalin! We all know what happened in Russia as a result. Do we really want bread lines and government control of EVERY ASPECT of our lives? Have we really become so dependent on the government that we need mommy to pick us up when we have a boo boo. You may think this is just an off color comment, but this is what this guy believes. It's also what Nancy Pelosi believes and yes, Harry Reid too... Think about THAT when you go to the polls. Think about this too. For the first six years of the Bush (hated regime) administration, our economy did gangbusters. After the democrats took over in congress by demonizing a war that they voted for, the economy started to show signs (especially in the housing market) of slowing down. The BUSH administration called for stricter controls on an already out of control Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but the beloved Barney Frank and Chris Dodd blocked all attempts at tightening regulations because they feared it would interfere with their socialist housing plan to get EVERYONE in America owning a home. Here we are two years later and in that time (actually only the last 15 months) we have lost $15 TRILLION in wealth in this country. Say what you will about Bush and the overspending he did on the war, I'll give you that. The republicans in congress at least TRIED to get something done... You see, in 2006, John McCain joined another republican senator to try to get Fannie and Freddie regulated again, to no avail because of Frank and Dodd. Think before you vote people. REALLY! Keep this in mind when you vote... Those who vote decide nothing, those who count them do". That's another Stalin quote. Think about those ACORN people... Think they know a think or two about the vote counters? Maybe that's why they are trying to overwhelm the various county clerks offices throughout the country.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Get involved!

I'm fully committed to getting more and more people excited about what the Pickens Plan can mean to our country and economy. Energy Independence means more jobs, less smog, reduction in greenhouse gases and more. The plan is simple; pressure your representatives in congress and at the local government level to get on the move with building the infrastructure needed to get this going. Get the pipeline from Alaska under construction for more CNG. Create more CNG wells in California, where we have abundant resources. Get more windmills in the air (and NO, they don't take the air from bats lungs). Call everyone you know and get them involved! Let's get going America!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fannie/Freddie, etc...

I have been watching with great interest the congressional hearings on CEO pay and "Golden Umbrellas" and how ridiculous it is that these CEOs are being compensated so highly when a company fails and they are forced to leave. To preface the following comments, I FULLY AGREE with that and am disgusted with the way these guys have done business. I think they should all be locked up. I think McCain needs to fire Rick Davis IMMEDIATELY! I also think that Barack Obama needs to call out members of his own party who BLOCKED the regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac back in '03, '05 and '06. Bush, McCain and other prominent republicans went against the grain of their belief system to recommend that these two government controlled lenders be held to tight regulations. Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and others in congress blocked these tighter regulations. Why? Well at least in the case of Chris Dodd, it may have been the large campaign contributions that he received, over $150,000.00. Second only to Chris Dodd in contributions from Fannie/Freddie is your beloved Barack Obama. Not to mention that a top execusive of Fannie was the top consultant on Obama's VP selction comittee. Forget about Ayers and the others... Let's look at the judgement of a man, a SENATOR, who stood idly by to wait and see what would happen with the huge bailout so he could decide where to be politically when the issue was cleared up. McCain, as much as you may not like it, went in and got House republicans to the table and convinced MANY to vote for this very important legislation. Truth is that MANY MORE would have voted for it had Nancy Pelosi not torpedoed it on the floor just before the vote with a VERY devisive and partisan speech. Let's not forget that Obama FAILED to get Pelosi on board. Many believe that it was on purpose to make sure that enough republicans would vote against the bill that democrats could blame McCain for the failure. Is it out of the realm of reality to think this? I wish it were, but this is the most divisive and do nothing congress in history. They've been doing nothing for the last two years but waiting for this election cycle. Let's tell them that we will not let this go by without kicking their political asses out!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Repost from Aaron in New York

Author: Aaron

Yesterday at 47th and 2nd avenue in New York City I attended the “Stop a Nuclear Iran” rally. It was a rally of mixed emotions, I was hyped to exercise my 1st amendment right, but left the rally with words of hate from anti-free speech Barack Obama supporters. At the rally I sported my new, “McCain-Palin” t-shirt and was accompanied by my friend holding the now infamous “Palin Call Me Sign” (yes the same kid who was in the New York Times and on Politico, I by the way am behind the green pole giving an interview, you can see my jeans). As the rally pursued more and more left wing anti first amendment right freaks began to shout at me, telling me to take off my shirt, saying I had no right to wear my t-shirt.

I’m sorry you left wing liberal nut jobs but I do believe in the constitution and I hope you do as well. The constant complaint I received was that it was not a political rally, and I should not be supporting a political candidate. The truth is I semi-agree with that statement, however as soon as the partisan democrats called up the rally organizers and asked for Governor Palin to be uninvited, it became a political rally. Where else in time was a potential Vice President, uninvited from speaking at a supposed “non- partisan rally”. It has never happened before, if Barack Obama or Joe Biden chose to speak, do you think John McCain would have been on the phone saying he shouldn’t be allowed too? Of course not, John McCain believes in free speech and Sarah Palin actually accepted the invite!

These anti American tactics that the Obama bin Biden campaign and their followers pull is just preposterous. These people say they believe in human rights and free speech yet they do everything they can from having the other side express their opinions. Barack Obama set a terrible example to his cult by calling for the removal of governor Palin from the rally.

The more and more I think about Barack Obama supporters, the more I think that they are just cult freaks. Doesn’t he understand that his cult followers will do anything he does, speak anything he speaks, harass anyone he harasses?

Luckily the rally in front of the UN yesterday was a major success. There was more media attention than usual and more people than usual. It is always great to rally for something you believe in, no matter what it is. As I stood in the crowd with my “McCain-Palin” shirt and McCain sign I felt a sense of pride. I wasn’t the only one either, hundreds of McCain posters fluttered throughout east 47th street, promoting the only candidate that will actually keep America and its allies safe when it comes to Iran.

It was strange that I saw no Barack Obama signs, but I guess that was a given, since Barack Obama didn’t want to show, obviously his cult followers were going to sit this one out as well.

I just had to repost this when I saw it... It's unbelievable how the left behaves.

Protesting common sense...

The new Docudrama called "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West" is being advertised in papers all over the country. This is a movie that points out why we have to crush radical Islamics. Their entire purpose is to destroy the west, to destabilize western economies and to kill as many westerners as possible, be they children, women or disabled folks. We've seen this in the attacks on the World Trade Center in 1996 and the attacks of 9-11. Radical Islamists are responsible for countless deaths all over the world. They recruit children and turn them in to suicude bombers. There is outrage in New York over an advertisement in several papers, offering the DVD delivered free to folks at home. To find out more about this DVD go to: to get all the facts.

Here we go... Let the socialism begin...

So Dean, Pelosi and Reid have gotten their way and the country is now headed for the most socialist plan since the New Deal. That's turned out great for the country, eh. Let's look at Social Security; this was the great retirement plan to guarantee every working American the possibility to have some income after retirement, whether they had any kind of pension plan or not. Sounds great huh? Well, the government has destroyed any possibility that anyone younger than 50 will ever see a dime of the money that we've paid into the system because they've been dipping into it for the last 40 years or so to pay for their pet programs. The system is bankrupt and now we are going to trust this same government to be smart enough to invest $700,000,000,000 of our hard earned money. Does anyone actually believe this will succeed!? In the next year, I see the whiners on Wall St. coming back again and again, needing more and more cash that we just don't have. The Treasury will keep printing money and the dollar will be worth less and less until the government finally has to file bankruptcy. You think gas and food is expensive now? Just wait until the dollar has no value and you are on the streets scrounging for every morsel. What's next? A total government takeover of everything that used to be free market. Health care? What a joke... There are obviously many out there who think that government is a good steward of something as important as your health. To get the answer, look to Canada. Socialised health care there has turned into a disaster. Canadians are crossing the border into the US to have surgeries that they must wait months, sometimes years for. People are dying in Canadian waiting rooms because there are no doctors to treat them. Get ready, socialism is coming.


It's days like this I wish I were still in Las Vegas!!! OJ Simpson is going to prison baby! I guess you need to make sure there are no living witnesses when you are OJ and you are committing a crime. Where was Johnny Cochran, oh yeah dead. OJ was found guilty of 1st Degree Kidnapping and conspiracy and some other charges. The best is the Kidnapping charge. This is one of those comparable charges to robbing a bank and taking hostages, but no worse then slashing your wife's throat and stabbing her friend to death. I know that the Goldmans and the Browns are quietly cheering this verdict, knowing that at least in some way, OJ is going to prison for the rest of his life. Maybe now that he's in prison he can finally say that he's found the real killer of his wife, and what do you know, it was OJ! It's time for quiet celebration and elation that a killer is finally off the streets and golf courses of the US.