So Dean, Pelosi and Reid have gotten their way and the country is now headed for the most socialist plan since the New Deal. That's turned out great for the country, eh. Let's look at Social Security; this was the great retirement plan to guarantee every working American the possibility to have some income after retirement, whether they had any kind of pension plan or not. Sounds great huh? Well, the government has destroyed any possibility that anyone younger than 50 will ever see a dime of the money that we've paid into the system because they've been dipping into it for the last 40 years or so to pay for their pet programs. The system is bankrupt and now we are going to trust this same government to be smart enough to invest $700,000,000,000 of our hard earned money. Does anyone actually believe this will succeed!? In the next year, I see the whiners on Wall St. coming back again and again, needing more and more cash that we just don't have. The Treasury will keep printing money and the dollar will be worth less and less until the government finally has to file bankruptcy. You think gas and food is expensive now? Just wait until the dollar has no value and you are on the streets scrounging for every morsel. What's next? A total government takeover of everything that used to be free market. Health care? What a joke... There are obviously many out there who think that government is a good steward of something as important as your health. To get the answer, look to Canada. Socialised health care there has turned into a disaster. Canadians are crossing the border into the US to have surgeries that they must wait months, sometimes years for. People are dying in Canadian waiting rooms because there are no doctors to treat them. Get ready, socialism is coming.
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