House Speaker Nancy Pelosi torpedoed the financial rescue plan on the floor of the House of Representatives on Monday when she made a highly partisan speech blaming the Bush administration for the problems that face our economy today. She said the reason for this bailout is that in the last 8 years the irresponsible economic policies of the current administration have brought us to this point. The truth is that Pelosi never wanted this bill passed and knew that this would kill any chance of passage. What the DNC wants is for the economy to completely bottom out, then blame the republican party for the failure and tell the country that the democratic party will fix everything. Of course, if you have studied politics at ALL, you know that this will evolve into a 21st century version of the new deal. We are inching closer to socialism folks. With Obama's ideas for government control of EVERY aspect of our lives and the democratic party in control of both houses of congress, we are now living in VERY dangerous times. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi wanted a political hockey puck to give to Obama. I just hope that the American public can see through this and will remember these tactics on November 4th.
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