I've watched with great anticipation to hear what Sarah Palin would say, how she would carry herself in the wake of the massive attacks that hit a mere 24 hours after she was named the VP pick of Sen. John S. McCain. I am truly impressed with her ability to take the punches and deliver some very effective punches of her own. NOBODY knew what to expect of her on Wednesday, but she proved to all of us that she is not afraid of the challenges that will be placed before her.
Those of us who are small business owners, tax payers and family folks can be proud of the performance of Sarah Palin. Our future looks bright with Mrs. Palin headed to Pennsylvania Ave. The media lambasted McCain for making this choice, then dug for ANYTHING they could dig up on her... They even suggested that her four month old son was indeed the son of her 5 month pregnant 17 year old daughter. That's not even physically POSSIBLE! Women, can you become pregnant, while you are pregnant!? I don't think so.
Democrats are scared. All the party cares about is getting a Democrat into the White House, nothing else. You could hear that in the speeches of Clinton and Biden. To them the election is about it being "their turn" to rule. In America, it's not about who's turn it is, rather who will be the best person for the job. John McCain is ready to lead NOW, not after a break-in period of several months or years. Sarah Palin is ready to lead NOW, she proved that over the last 12 years as an executive in Alaska. As she said in her speech, "a small town mayor is a little like a community organizer, except that your have actual RESPOSIBILITIES as mayor". While Obama's name may be on some legislation, he has NEVER authored a single piece of ligislation... never reached across the isle to solve a problem... has sounded the retreat from Iraq. I am proud to be a Republican, even with George Bush in the White House, at least you always know where he stands. The is not a weathervane on the top of the White House keeping track of polls in order to make decisions right now, and there won't be with McCain. You can bet that the Democrats with Obama will place the weathervane on the roof so they know what decisions to make.
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